Friday, 1 February 2013

Media Studies Questionnaire – Romantic Comedy

Harrison Marlow

Media Studies Questionnaire – Romantic Comedy

What gender of Protagonist do you enjoy seeing in a ‘RomCom’? (Tick One)
A.      Male
B.      Female
 What sort of ‘RomCom’ do you enjoy?
A.      ‘Chick Flick’
B.      Buddy Comedy
C.      Hopeless Romantic
D.      More of a Comedy with a Romantic Subplot
(If Male) What sort of Personality do you like the main protagonist having? (Tick Two)
A.      Ladies’ Man
B.      Cocky
C.      Hopeless romantic
D.      Nerdy (unconventional hero)
E.       Comedic
(If Female) What sort of Personality do you like the main protagonist having? (Tick two)
A.      Hopeless Romantic
B.      Life not on track (workaholic)
C.      Comedic
D.      Attractive (knows she is)
E.       Unconventional
What sort of music do you like to hear during a ‘RomCom’? (Tick One)
A.      Orchestral
B.      Pop
C.      Rock
D.      General upbeat music
E.       Punk
F.       Funk
G.     Other ……………………….
What location do you think is best for a ‘RomCom’? (Tick One)
A.      An old Decrepit Home
B.      A College/School                                            (Continued on Back)
C.      In a town or City
D.      In a place of business
E.       Other ………………….
What sort of age group would you most like to see in a Romantic Comedy? (Tick One)
A.      17-20
B.      21-26
C.      27-35
D.      35-40
What sort of Opening Sequence would you like to see in a ‘RomCom’ (Tick One)
A.      Titles then into the film
B.      Film Starts During Titles
C.      A pre Title Sequence then Titles ( E.g. James Bond)
What is your Favourite ‘RomCom’ (in the list provided) (Tick One)
A.      ‘Knocked Up’
B.      ‘Just Like Heaven’
C.      ‘Wayne’s World’ (Excellent)
D.      ‘How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days’
E.       ‘Failure to Launch’
F.       ‘Fanboys’
G.     ‘The Proposal’
What sort of story would you want to see in a ‘RomCom’? (Tick Two)
A.      Guy loses girl gets her back
B.      Nerdy unexpected guy eventually gets the girl
C.      Girl finds love in unexpected place
D.      Girl can’t tell what to look for in a relationship finds it with best friend
E.       Buddy Fest where a group of friends help one get the girl

Thanks for filling this in.

This was the questionnaire that i made, this was handed out to 10 different people who individually answered the questions by circling or putting a tick next to their appropriate answers. i used this and tallied up the results and put them into charts on a separate document. I will use the information given  to help make my film and put in what people want to see in a RomCom.

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