Friday, 16 November 2012

Se7en - David Fincher 1995

The opening sequence can tell us a lot of information about the film, in the first two minutes of the title sequence it can tell us a lot about the film and its main (villain) character. We can tell the film is a thriller just from the black backdrop of the film and the quick flashes of clips of very sinister and creepy scenes. We can see someone peeling skin off of their fingers with a razor blade; this suggests that whoever those fingers are he’s our main (villain) character and it suggests he is going to do something against the law very evil and cryptic doings.

We can see the names of the directors, the movie studios, the producers and the actors names all of the writing is in a cryptic and almost scary, all it seems to me in a similar style of text to ‘The Blair Witch Project’ which tells the audience that the film defiantly has a cryptic message and a scary outcome in the end.

We can see a lot of sequences flashing on the screen in the title that all show a lot of old pictures and books this shows us a place of study and almost religious worship for this … killer, the pictures that flash up through the sequence of pure evil and most likely his/her victims but the way they show up we can almost affiliate or associate them with someone’s life flashing before our eyes. We can also associate the state of the books and pictures with the ruined lives of the victims with our main villain’s actions.

We can see from all of the title sequence alone the film is aiming to disorientate and prepare the audience for what is going to happen in the movie, we see someone cutting the word ‘God’ from the phrase 'In God We Trust' from the dollar bill we can assume that our villain assumes he is doing the work of 'God' and he is carrying out the lords work by killing people.
For committing 'the Seven Deadly Sins'... 

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