Monday, 25 March 2013

Apocalypse... How?

Apocalypse… How?
'A Bromantic Comedy ... With Zombies' 
By Harrison Marlow and Steve Moore

The Film would start with a black screen with the title’s appearing on screen with non-diegetic music starting to play (Can’t Play Dead – The Heavy). When the film starts we see an establishing shot of a bedroom, with Steve Moore sating in the bed, he rolls over to reveal a bottle of Alcohol underneath him. He rolls over and falls out of bed, the camera then swaps to an above shot of him lying on the floor, the camera Pans around as he crawls across the floor to his desk in search for his glasses, the camera then switches to an over the shoulder shot (Left hand side) to show him opening a mini fridge, to reveal an energy drink, his glasses and a Mr T action figure, as he puts on his glasses and saying:
Steve Moore: “Uggghh Mornin’ T”
The camera cuts outside the bedroom door and shows him opening the door whilst still lying in the floor, (Whilst he grumbles… Like a zombie) he gets up and the camera pans around with him as he walks into the Bathroom, the camera cuts to an establishing shot in the bathroom where Steve is sat on the toilet whilst singing to himself.

Steve: "Drop of a hat sheee's a ..."
The shower curtain pulls back and Harrison pulls his head around the corner... 
Steve: Aaagh ... what, WHAT are you doing?! Get Out!
Harrison: (Mumbles) no .... no .... and Harrison lays back down in the bath.

The shot fades (to show a passage of time) to outside the bathroom to at a medium long shot, the door slowly opens and Harrison (In a style of a Zombie) shuffles out and Steve flushes the toilet, once Harrison leaves the bathroom and after flushing the toilet, Steve Follows him.

Steve: "I can't believe you stayed for that whole thing"
Harrison: "Ha ..."
*The camera cuts to a horizontal tracking shot as they walk down the stairs.*
Steve: "Where's Ed? ... I swear to God next time I see him he's dead.."
*As Steve says that it cuts to a handheld/ point of view shot to Ed rolling out from under the stairs covered in a lot of blood. (all of these are shot reverse shots)*
Steve: " (screams) Agggh Ed?!"
Ed: (starts to wake up) "uuuggh" (Moans)
Harrison: "ED!"
Steve:      "ED!"
Ed: "What, What?!"
Harrison: "Are you okay?!"
Ed: "What"
Steve: "The Blood"
Ed:"What Blood"
Steve: "The blood you're covered in?!"
Ed: "Whaa... (looks Down) Oh ooohhh aaaagh"
Steve: screams
Harrison: screams 
Ed: screams 
Ed: "oh wait ... I, I don't think its my blood"
Harrison: "Good ..."
Steve: "wait ... who's blood is it"
Ed: "I, I don't know"
* Ed lies down and shuts his eyes about to go to sleep* 
Ed: "It's Fine"
Steve:"Well don't go back to sleep"
Harrison: "It's not fine, it's a big deal someone's missing a lot of Blood Ed!"
Steve:"We were wasted last night" *Puts hand up for high Five*
Harrison: *Looks at hand* " No!?!"
Steve:" Alright ... we did though, Actually i'm suprised no one drew on me."

*the camera cuts to a shot of Ed laying down on the floor*
Ed:"Steve ... stick the telly on "
Steve:" Alright what we watchin'?"
Harrison:"We could check we're not on the news or something"
Steve:"Or a much less boring choice"
*The Camera pans round as Steve walks toward the TV the camera then zooms onto the TV showing Static as he flicks through the channels*
*The Camera then cuts to Steve sat on a chair*
Steve:"Well what now" *he sees his phone and reaches to grab it* "Aha ... well alright it's fine"
*The next sequence is a shot reverse shot conversation between all of the characters*
Steve:"Huh, that's weird ... no wi-fi or 3G?"
Ed:"What non at all"
Harrison:" Nor me Either"
Steve:"I normally get really good signal in this house"
Ed:"It's like the only house i get signal"
Harrison:" Hey"
*Camera cuts to Steve lifting his head as Harrison gets his attention*
Harrison:"Check your phones, see if you have any videos or anything from last night"
Steve:"Uuh yeah acutely, Wow ... There is a lot ... that's pretty weird"
Steve"Yeah, Come here have a look"
*all three round Steve on the chair*
Harrison: *quietly* "what the hell is that"

*the scene ends and so does the film and the titles as well as the song 'Can't play dead' starts to play*

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